Below is the list of sponsors of the 2024 ICCO Global Awards.

For information about 2024 ICCO Global Awards sponsorship, please contact Ewa Grabek at


AMEC, the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication has grown to become a global trade body for agencies and practitioners who provide media evaluation and communication research. AMEC’s purpose is to define and develop the industry on an international scale with better professional standards for both companies and individuals. AMEC has a membership base in over 40 countries.

AMEC is ICCO’s Strategic Partner on educational initiatives in the field of PR measurement and evaluation. Together, we have launched the PR Professionals Guide to Measurement in June 2013.

Global Women in PR

Global Women in PR (GWPR) is a worldwide membership organisation of national networking groups whose members come from agencies, in-house and independents.

Founded to connect, champion and support women in senior PR and Communication roles, Global Women in PR is a not-for-profit organisation driven by a desire to change the landscape for women working in PR industry.

A key focus is the issue surrounding leadership and understanding why, when the global PR industry is two-thirds female, that in the boardroom the figures are in complete reverse, with men occupying 64% of seats at the boardroom table. GWPR tackles issues from flexible working practices to pay incentives and the working environment.

GWPR is an important member of ICCO – the International Communications Consultancy Organisation.

PRovoke Media

PRovoke Media produces content across multiple platforms with a mandate to inspire public relations professionals to live up to the ideals of the discipline by working in a way that delivers sustainable competitive advantage to their employers, demonstrates genuine commitment to the needs of an organization’s stakeholders, and adheres to the highest ethical standards.

As a leading media agency with global reach, PRovoke also aims to elevate the status of the discipline by proving to senior executives that public relations is a mission critical management function that can deliver extraordinary business value by aligning the behaviour of an organization with the expectations of its stakeholders, and by demonstrating to the wider public that public relations can and should serve as an advocate for more responsible business practices.